Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

Here is Kate at her Kindergarten Fall Party. Notice her ferocious mad kitty face... :)

Here is Kate's Kindergarten class in their costumes. How cute are THEY!? I volunteered to help with the party and got to lead a craft. We made spooky picture frames. It was a lot of fun to meet all of her little friends!

We went to my parent's for Halloween weekend. What cute cats. :) We only trick or treated to a couple places, but they still got a TON of candy!!

Brian and I hadn't planned on going out Halloween night, so we didn't have costumes planned. We raided my parent's closets and this is what we came up with - - bikers. Once we got to the Belview bar and the BrauHaus in Lucan, we realized that we sort of just blended with the locals more than anything. Oops! Someone came up to Brian and said "Hey - I like your Jim Weidemann costume!" ha ha. We had fun singing karaoke and hanging out with Jon, Christi, Joe and Ashley.

Jon and Christi as pilot and stewardess.

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