Hello - sorry it's been so long since my last post! It's harder than I expected to keep this thing going! Let's see....what's happened recently...?
I guess the biggest thing would be that I turned the big 3-0 on Sept. 2nd. Brian (with the help of my Mom and Christi) threw me a big surprise party over Labor Day weekend. It was a blast. I am still impressed that he pulled off the surprise - I'm typically very good at picking up on secrets. This time I had no clue. It was a wine and cheese party and everyone brought a bottle of wine and a block of cheese to share. I had so much fun - what a great husband, huh!? It definitely made turning 30 a lot easier for me! On Sunday of Labor Day weekend we took an hour long 4-wheeler ride through the woods. Dad lead, followed by Josh Larson and his girlfriend Abby, Me and Brian, and then Joel and Ashley. It was really neat and we had a great time. I haven't done that in ages! Also, I had my first-ever golf outing that weekend. (yeah, I know - about time, huh?) Jon, Brian, Christi and I went golfing in Renville and had a blast. I only golfed a couple holes, but still had a great time.
This past weekend Brian and I sent the kids to Grandma and Grandpa's (Surine) for the weekend and cleaned the garage. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but it is SOOO nice to finally be able to find everything we need! There are a few finishing touches (because you KNOW that I will type up all the labels for everything - self declared nerd that I am), but it's pretty much done. Last weekend I actually cleaned my entire scrap booking closet too! I thought I should give Jack at least a small amount of space for hanging clothes, being I have 99% taken over his closet. :) He doesn't seem to mind.
The kids are doing well - Jack is saying more and more every day it seems. Kate is too smart for her own good. You should hear some of the vocab that comes out of that girl's mouth - it floors me sometimes how much she already knows! She's enrolling in round 2 of a tumbling class at day care and is very excited for her first class this Thursday.
Just to make it more fun, here are a couple of pictures of the kids being silly. Hope all is well with everyone!
love, Jill
I miss you guys! :( See you in 5 days!
Jill - we need an update - it's NOVEMBER!!! :)
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